Many will be aware of the landmark document produced by the Trees & Design Action Group (TDAG) TREES IN THE TOWNSCAPE – A GUIDE FOR DECISION MAKERS.

Thanks to the success of the Reading Ride Fund4Trees has been able to provide much-needed funding to support a second printing of this important document. Martin Kelly, Chair of TDAG, wrote the following to Fund4Trees in thanks:
Trees in the Townscape was launched at a well-attended event at the Royal Geographical Society in June 2012. At the time our sponsorship budget limited the print version to a relatively small number of copies and it was intended that the document would then only be available as a free download on the TDAG website. Trees in the Townscape has had a very positive reception and further endorsements have been received since its launch. The printed document, in particular, has proved to be useful in promoting the 12 principles espoused and there has been a demand for further copies to be printed for wider dissemination to relevant decision makers, especially council leaders, CEOs and heads of planning. TDAG West Midlands and TDAG South-West are also planning launches for Trees in the Townscape for which the printed document will be a central feature.
As always, the TDAG membership responded very positively to a request for funds for the second print-run and TDAG was especially appreciative of the financial contribution made by the pro-active Fund4Trees with its Reading Ride for Research event in September as Trees in the Townscape provides a useful link across departments, sectors and professions to further the case for urban trees and also the case for urban tree research as part of the wider urban agenda. TDAG has a research working party and this will be contributing to analysing existing research on urban trees that is still relevant, research currently being undertaken and gaps in research to better inform the wider research agenda and also provide valuable guidance for the 2014 Urban Tree Research Conference to be chaired by Dr Mark Johnston and hosted by the ICF.
Chair Trees and Design Action Group
An online version is available for download from the TDAG website